HC Deb 08 July 1920 vol 131 cc1697-8W

Colonel DU PRE asked the Secretary of State for War whether the rest camps at Marseilles are now closed; and, if so,

Name. Experience.
Mr. V. M. Barrington Ward, D.S.O., M.Inst.C.E. Midland Railway Company; Lieut.-Col., R.E., in charge of railway operations in the 1st and 2nd Army Areas, B.E.F., France.
Mr. A. S. Burnett Central South African Railways; Cordoba Central Railway; Jamaica Government Railways; Assam Railways and Trading Company; Area Controller in Organisation Department of the Ministry of Munitions.
Mr. C. L. Colvin, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. East Indian Railway; Brigadier-General, Transportation Corps, B.E.F., France.
Mr. C. H. W. Edmonds, C.B.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.R.S.E. Railway and Tramway Signal Work, Design and Manufacture; Electrical Engineer on Staff of Director-General of Transportation, France.
Mr. J. Ingram Secretary to Irish Railway Clearing House; Secretary to Irish Railway Executive Committee.

what steps are being taken to preserve and dispose of the surplus stores such as tent-boards, tents and beds?

Sir A. WILLIAMSON: I have called for a Report on this matter, and will write to the hon. and gallant Member as soon as it is received.