HC Deb 01 July 1920 vol 131 cc684-5W
Colonel NEWMAN

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware of the great dissatisfaction that the revision of fares, and particularly of stages, has caused on the Metropolitan Electric Tramway system between Barnet and Highgate; if these revisions and alterations have to obtain the sanction of his Ministry; and, if not, in what way beyond ceasing to use the system can the travelling public obtain redress?


The Metropolitan Electric Tramway, Limited, applied to the Ministry of Transport under the terms of the Tramways (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1920, for authority to increase the fares on their undertaking. In the Minister's opinion the application was justified and one of urgency, and an in- terim Order for six months was issued on the 18th June increasing the maximum fares. In accordance with the provisions of the Act mentioned, the matter will be referred to the Tramways Advisory Committee and it will be open to any person affected to make representations to that Committee.