HC Deb 23 February 1920 vol 125 c1336W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he can furnish any accounts of the amounts received by the various departments of the War Office, the Admiralty, and the Ministry of Munitions, of surplus stores, lands, and effects sold; under what heading the receipts appear in the financial returns of the Exchequer; and if the amounts are placed on special deposits or used in relief of the general expenditure?


Surplus war stores, land, etc., are dealt with by the Surplus Government Property Disposal Board whose receipts form part of the appropriations in aid of the Ministry of Munitions Vote, 1919–20, as shown in Sub-head L of that Vote. Any amounts realised above the total thus authorised by Parliament to be appropriated in reduction of the Supply Grant for Munitions are paid to the Exchequer under the heading Miscellaneous Revenue. The cash receipts of the Disposal Board in the year 1919–20 to date are approximately £85,000,000. Proceeds of the sale of ships' stores, trawlers, drifters, etc., are appropriated in aid of Navy Votes, and have realised approximately £3,200,000 this year. The above system of accounting for receipts from surplus property is being reconsidered for the forthcoming financial year.