HC Deb 16 August 1920 vol 133 cc603-4W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland the number of acres of land in the province of Ulster which have been purchased by the Estates Commissioners under the Irish Land (Provision for Sailors and Soldiers) Act, 1919, and when possession of such lands can be taken and applied for the purposes of the Act; what others offers, if any, have been made by the Estates Commissioners to acquire lands for the purposes of the Act in the area named, and for what acreage; if any of these offers have been refused; and if compulsory proceedings have been instituted in respect of any lands so refused?


The powers of the Estates Commissioners to acquire land under the Irish Land (Provision for Sailors and Soldiers) Act, 1919, are limited to untenanted land, and they have no power to acquire tenancies or lands subject to land purchase annuities, nor can they acquire compulsorily demesnes or home farms. The area of suitable untenanted land in Ulster which could be acquired by the Estates Commissioners under the Act for division into holdings is very limited, but they have inspected some 575 acres and have already made offers for the purchase of some 120 acres of this area, and other lands are in course of inspection. Their offer for 88 acres has been refused by the owner, and the Commissioners have instituted compulsory proceedings in respect thereof which are pending. If the hon. Member can furnish the Commissioners with particulars of any suitable untenanted lands in Ulster which can be acquired by them for division into holdings for ex-service men, the Commissioners will be pleased to consider their acquisition.

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