HC Deb 17 November 1919 vol 121 cc646-7W
Major GLYN

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what properties recently owned or administered by the War Office have been handed over to the Ministry of Munitions for disposal?


If I am right in understanding my hon. and gallant Friend to refer to hutted camps, the answer is as follows:

Camps in United Kingdom handed over to Ministry of Munitions for disposal since Armistice and up to 1st November, 1919 150
Camps in United Kingdom approved for disposal by the War Office which are in process of being "listed" prior to being handed over to Ministry of Munitions 73

I may explain that before a camp is handed over to Ministry of Munitions lists of all huts, buildings, fittings, pipes, etc., have to be prepared by the military authorities.

Total disposed of, or in process of being disposed of 223
Camps still to be dealt with (not including small isolated hutments) 59