HC Deb 13 November 1919 vol 121 cc533-4W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Shipping Controller if he is aware that the Portishead Dock, which has been rented, to the Admiralty at an annual rental of £21,000 for the purpose of fitting out ships that are being built at Chepstow, as there are no ships built and ready for fitting out, the docks are lying idle and cannot be used by the dock authorities to meet the congestion of shipping at Avonmouth Docks; whether this is in consequence of some dispute that has arisen between the dock owners and the Government; is he aware that this deadlock is causing considerable inconvenience and unemployment at Portishead; will he take steps to make some arrangement by which dock dues and rents could be collected by the Government, so as to enable traffic to be conducted in the port; and, failing this, is he prepared, as an alternative, in order that the docks can be put into immediate use and work be provided for the unemployed, to refer the point, in dispute with the dock owners to arbitration?

Colonel WILSON

The dock has not been idle in con sequence of disputes between the dock owners and the Government, and has been used for reception of ships. Arrangements have been made for the full utilisation of the dock, and the dues and rents will be collected and credited to the Government.