HC Deb 08 May 1919 vol 115 c1123W
85. Lieutenant-Colonel MALONE

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether efforts are being made to break up the lower-deck organisations by drafting the officials for foreign service; whether this is intentional, and, if so, whether he will consider the desirability of announcing openly that the Admiralty disapprove of combinations or unions rather than employing indirect means to disrupt them?


The suggestion in the earlier part of the question is entirely incorrect. As regards the last part of the question, combinations are contrary to the King's Regulations, and any expression of Admiralty disapproval is therefore unnecessary. As an indication of the spirit of Admiralty policy in this matter I should like the hon. and gallant Member to read the Admiralty Order of 24th February last regarding "Representation of the Lower Deck." I am sending him a copy of the Order for that purpose.