HC Deb 21 July 1919 vol 118 cc922-4W
Viscount WOLMER

asked the Prime Minister whether he can state what steps are being taken by the Allied Governments to relieve the famine conditions prevailing in Russia, Germany, Austria, and Poland?


Inter-Allied Relief Missions have been set up in the devastated areas in Europe to administer relief in food, medical stores, and other necessary supplies, for which an advance of £12,500,000 has been made by the Treasury. British representatives have been sent to Poland, to Roumania, to German-Austria (to administer, relief and investigate the needs of that country and of Hungary, Czecho-Slovakia, Jugo Slavia, Ukraine, Serbia), to Constantinople (for Turkey-in-Europe, Turkey-in-Asia, Armenia, Georgia, Trans-Caucasia, Azer-bayan, and the Kouban), and to the Baltic States (for Esthonia, Lettland, and Lithunia). The total amount of foodstuffs and other necessary items supplied by the Allies amount to over 2,500,000 tons. Of this the greater part (over 2,000,000 tons) has been supplied and distributed by the United States of America. The supplies financed by the British Government are shown below.

There are also British representatives on the Rotterdam Food Commission for negotiating supplies of foodstuffs to Germany against which the Germans are making payments in gold. The gold so far deposited amounts to £16,000,000, and has been used to cover the supplies shown in the following table, the greater part of which are already shipped or in the process of being dispatched:

Supplies Financed by the Advance of£12,500,000.
Poland. Tons.
Breadstuffs 2,844
Rice and pulses 1,327
Preserved meat 106
Soap 461
Oats 4,097
Clothing 141,670
Drugs 100,000
Railway material (sanctioned) 500,000
Serbia and Jugo Slavia. Tons.
Breadstuff s 10,649
Rye and seed barley 3,895
Pork products 970
Milk 375
Cocoa and Sugar 50
Sundries, tea, etc. 7,728
Veterinary stores 450
Horses, etc 250,000
Tents 15,000
Cattle 200,000
Coal 50,250
German Austria. Tons.
Breadstuff's 50,137
Milk 2,000
Miscellaneous 10,000
Roumania. Tons.
Breadstuff's 43,646
Rice and pulses 1,859
Preserved meat 700
Preserved fish and biscuits 7,796
Railway material (financial sanction) £500,000
Beans (financial sanction) 2,300

Czecho-Slovakia. Tons.
Breadstuffs 1,673
Rice and pulses 4,000
Milk 300
Beans 4,000
Soap 45,000
Shirting 20,000
Baltic States, Esthonia. Tons.
Breadstuffs 5,400
Rice and pulses 200
Herrings 3,000
Nitrate of soda 50

Supplies have been sold to Finland against cash, as follows:

Rice and pulses 1,170
Condensed milk 40
Cocoa and sugar 1,415
Sundries 842

Supplies are being made to Germany against German gold, as follows:

Flour 9,192
Cereals 54,506
Potatoes 133,283
Bacon (lard) 30,000
Dripping 1,971
Oils 28,000
Milk (condensed, dried) 16,750
Meat 15,500