HC Deb 15 December 1919 vol 123 cc67-8W

asked the President of the Board of Education if he will state the number of ex-Service men who have applied for courses of training in each of the University Colleges in Wales under the scheme for the higher education of ex-Service students, together with the number of such applications approved, and in respect of which awards have actually been made?


The figures are as follow:

  1. (i) Number of applications received by the Board through the University Comittees from each of the University Colleges in Wales.
  2. (ii) Number of cases of applications rejected by the Board or withdrawn, and of courses completed before the commencement of the current term.
  3. 68
  4. (iii) Number of current cases in which grants have been promised by the Board.
  5. (iv) Number of current cases in which payments of instalments of grants due under awards applying to the current term have been made:
i ii iii iv
Aberystwyth 544 44 477 333
Bangor 227 12 155 113
Cardiff 391 31 346 284


asked the President of the Board of Education if he is aware that a number of two-years ex-Service students who are at present undergoing a course of training at Sheffield University have not yet received the Government Grant to which they are entitled, the first instalment of which was due in October last; will he say why this money grant has been withheld; and will he issue instructions that the amounts due shall be forwarded without further delay, as the withholding of these payments is causing great inconvenience and unnecessary suffering to the men concerned?


I greatly regret the delay which has occurred in these cases. Cheques for the instalments of grant in practically all the cases concerned were handed to the Registrar of the University on 13th December.