HC Deb 02 April 1919 vol 114 c1238W
Major GLYN

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Agriculture whether the Regulations governing the quarantine of dogs may be so amended as to cause the least possible financial loss and inconvenience to officers and men of the Expeditionary Forces who wish to bring their dogs to this country; and whether he is aware of the fees that are being charged by authorised veterinary surgeons throughout the country which tend to prevent any private soldier complying with the Regulations for six months' quarantine without suffering grave financial loss?


The Regulations referred to by my hon. and gallant Friend require that an imported dog shall be detained and isolated for six months on veterinary premises approved by the Board. In view of the danger of the further spread of rabies I, can hold out no hope of any modification of these requirements, which undoubtedly entail heavy charges for the maintenance of the dogs. The R.S.P C.A. and the Dumb Friends' League have, however, initiated schemes, which have received the Board's approval, whereby a certain number of soldiers' dogs can be quarantined at a very small charge to the owner. From the figures available it does not appear that private soldiers are making full use of these facilities.

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