HC Deb 18 November 1918 vol 110 cc3224-5W

asked the Minister of Munitions what is the arrangement existing between the Government and the yeast-making distillers for the disposal of the patent-still spirit produced in the process; whether the Government are purchasing and paying for this spirit and what is the price; to what purpose is it to be applied; what is the total quantity at present remaining in warehouse; and what is the number of gallons now being produced per month?


The patent-still spirit produced in the yeast-making distilleries is being purchased, paid for, and warehoused by the Government, except spirit required for industrial purposes. In view of the cessation of hostilities, the purpose to which the spirit is to be applied is a matter which is now under consideration. The total quantity in warehouse on the 14th November is approximately 3,450,000 proof gallons, and the average recent monthly production is slightly over 2,000,000 proof gallons.