§ Mr. FIELDasked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) whether he can state the numbers of poultry exported from Ireland during the year 1917 and up to 1st May, 1918; whether he is aware that the unusual exportation will reduce the productive capacity next season of poultry and eggs; and what arrangements are being made to enable the continuance of the usual supply?
§ Sir T. W. RUSSELLParticulars of the numbers of poultry exported from Ireland are not available. The gross weight of poultry (live and dead) exported in 1917 was 263,560 cwts., as compared with 325,936 cwts. in 1916 and 298,770 cwts. in 1915. The export for the first three months of 1918 was 70,485 cwts., as compared with 78,455 cwts. and 79,511 cwts. in the corresponding months of 1917 and 1916, respectively. The figures for April, 1918, are not yet available. The hon. Member is, therefore, under a misapprehension in believing that there has been any unusual exportation of poultry during the period mentioned in the question. The instructors employed in the various counties have been and are making special efforts to induce poultry keepers to maintain and increase their stocks of poultry.