HC Deb 21 March 1918 vol 104 cc1184-5W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food when the new restrictions on the manufacture of beer will come into operation and the proportion of the new authorised output of beer of 12,590,000 standard barrels which is to be allocated for the use of munition and other industrial workers and the proportion which will be available for the use of the general public?


It is hoped that the new restrictions on the manufacture of beer will come into operation on the 1st April. The amount specially allocated for the use of munition workers is about 1,120,000 standard barrels, while the Army get 1,000,000 standard barrels. The amount allocated for the use of the general public is 10,470,000 standard barrels, a certain unknown proportion of which will be consumed by munition workers.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food the quantity of barley in the hands of the brewers and maltsters as at 1st March, 1918, and the number of tons requisitioned from them by the Order issued on or about that date?


Complete returns have not yet been received. They include barley in the hands of maltsters malting for distillers (making yeast), vinegar brewers, and malt extract manufacturers, the whole of which stocks have been requisitioned. It is estimated that the quantity eventually to be received will amount to at least 150,000 tons.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food the quantity of barley and other cereals, respectively, required for the production of the new authorised beer output of 12,590,000 standard barrels?


Presuming that the permitted output of beer remains at the rate of 12,590,000 standard barrels for twelve months, then the materials required will be about 512,000 tons, of which 400,000 tons will probably be cereals.

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