HC Deb 06 March 1918 vol 103 c2000W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what is the position of an hon. Member whose Parliamentary duties keep him in town four nights a week, Monday to Thursday, and who goes home to a rationed area for the remaining three nights; as his meat and butter and margarine cards are registered with London retailers, is he to go meatless and butterless when at homo, or can he have the same privileges as theatrical and variety artists, Government officials, tinkers, and hawkers moving from place to place, or can he get. an emergency card in the home counties area in which he lives on cancellation of appropriate spaces and coupons on his present cards; and, if so, why should he be made dependent on emergency cards issued for a limited period in respect of a permanent arrangement?


Travellers' cards are intended only for special classes of persons whose business or occupation requires them to move continually from place to place, so that they are unable to obtain their food regularly from any particular shop or shops. I am, however considering an Amendment in the Rules applying to persons transferring their addresses, which would appear to meet the ease raised in this question more simply than by the method suggested by the hon. Member. An announcement will shortly be made on the matter.