HC Deb 04 June 1918 vol 106 cc1410-1W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that many people who are desirous of following the recommendations emanating from his Department that potato flour should be extensively used in the making of bread are unable to do so for want of information as to practicable means of acquiring or producing potato flour in adequate quantity; whether he is aware that the use of potatoes for bread making in forms other than potato flour has not been so satisfactory as the results promised from the use of potato flour; and whether he will take steps to make more widely known the sources from which it can be acquired and the methods by which it can be produced in the form most suitable for bread making?


No recommendations have been issued to the precise effect indicated in the first part of the question, although bakers have been continually urged to mix a substantial proportion of potato mash with the dough in making bread. My Department has, however, been engaged for some months on a practical scheme for the manufacture of potato flour on a large scale in the various potato districts of the United Kingdom, and a considerable part of the necessary machinery has been completed. An announcement will be made shortly as to the terms on which potato flour plants can be supplied to persons of firms who are willing to engage in this new industry. The use of potato mash has given excellent results, and will be continued and developed next season, notwithstanding the provision made for the manufacture of potato flour, which will not in any event be available for direct supply to the baker.