HC Deb 18 February 1918 vol 103 cc480-1W

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether a gratuity for war services is payable in the case of a midshipman, Royal Naval Reserve, who served as such during the War, who was subsequently promoted to the Royal Naval Air Service and gave war service in this respect, and who was then demobilised owing to ill-health?


No gratuity for war service is payable from Naval Funds in the case indicated. The case of an officer demobilised owing to ill-health would, however, be dealt with, in regard to pension or other allowance on discharge from the Navy, by the Ministry of Pensions. The question of instituting a gratuity for the benefit of officers rendering temporary service during the War is receiving consideration.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware of the hardship and inconvenience caused to soldiers' wives by the arrangement made in regard to London area allowance, stoppage of which frequently occurs through the soldiers' wives moving out of the London area for a temporary or indefinite period; if he is aware that in the case of Mrs. Owen, 337, Essex Road, Islington, wife of Private Owen, No. 30780, 1st Garrison Northants Regiment, rent allowance has been refused altogether because this woman, whose home was in London, went out of the London area to be married and remained outside for a few months, although she had been paying rent in London during the whole of the period of her absence from it; and, if so, will he take steps to remove the grievance complained of?


Inquiry will be made into this case, and I will inform the hon. Member of the result in due course.