HC Deb 14 February 1918 vol 103 cc281-2W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that complaints are made that in food distribution discrimination is made against co-operative shops; and whether he will take care that there shall not be any such discrimination?


General complaints to the effect suggested in the hon. Member's question have been received by the Food Controller. He will be glad to receive particulars of specific cases of discrimination against co-operative shops and to take steps to secure that they shall be treated on an equal footing with all other retailers in regard to food distribution.

Major HUNT

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that there are complaints by railway men, stone quarry men, and others in South Shropshire that wholesale traders refuse to supply co-operative societies with their fair share of supplies because they want to smash these co-operative societies; and if he will take steps to secure for these co-operative societies an equal share of the necessities of life which are supplied to private shops?


If the hon. Member will give me full details of the oases of refusal of supplies to which he refers the Food Controller will be glad to have careful inquiry made into them, and to take steps to secure that the societies concerned are placed on an equal footing with other retailers as regards supplies.