HC Deb 26 April 1917 vol 92 cc2597-8W

asked whether the servant of every German officer prisoner in English hands is provided with the following articles: one ordinary suit, one suit of overalls, one suit of white ducks for waiting at table, one suit of oilies (trousers, coat, and sou'wester complete), one pair of boots, one pair of rubber boots, one pair of shoes, and one pair of slippers for waiting quietly at table; and, if so, how this compares with the outfit supplied to the British soldier and with the outfit, if any, supplied by the Germans to British prisoners in their hands?


In addition to the clothing supplied to other German prisoners the servants of German prisoner officers receive a canvas suit or overalls, waiters receive a white apron and a white jacket; and men employed in the kitchen receive a pair of wooden soled shoes. The scale of clothing supplied to German prisoners is not equal to that supplied to the British soldier. I have no information as to the outfit supplied by the Germans to British prisoners.