HC Deb 19 October 1916 vol 86 cc756-7W

asked the Secretary of State for India if he will state the number of British subjects in India executed, imprisoned, and deported, respectively, on political grounds since 1st August, 1914; the number now in deportation and where; and if the leaders, not heard from since deportation, have not been executed, where they are?


The Secretary of State has not complete figures of the number of persons in British India convicted since August, 1914, by Courts of Justice of seditious offences, which generally involved violent crime, and sentenced either to death or imprisonment, but in the year 1915 forty-six persons convicted of such offences suffered capital punishment and forty-two were sentenced to transportation for life. During the same year ten persons were placed under detention under the Bengal State Prisoners Regulation and 216 were subjected under the Defence of India Act to restriction on their movements, the place of detention or residence in each case being specified in the warrant or order. No person so detained can be subjected to capital or other penalty otherwise than upon trial and conviction by a Court of Justice.