HC Deb 12 October 1916 vol 86 cc226-7W

asked the Secretary of State for India if he has any information about a recent attack made by Turkish soldiery on the city of Kerbela, near Babylon, and the holy places of the Shiah Moslems, near the city?


No information has been received regarding disturbances at Kerbela since April and May last, when the Turks were compelled, by a rising of the Shiah inhabitants, to evacuate the town. On that occasion they are stated to have bombarded the holy mosque, doing great damage to the domes and minarets. Two hundred of the principal men of Kerbela have issued a circular letter, endorsed by the Ulema, protesting to the Moslem world against this bombardment, the massacre of innocent people, and the mutilation of women, by a so-called Moslem Government.