HC Deb 12 October 1916 vol 86 c212W

asked the Prime Minister if he is aware of the scarcity of coal in Ireland, and that prices of that commodity have advanced there to such air extent as to place coal almost beyond the reach of all save the wealthy; if he is aware that there is an abundance of coal locked up in the Leinster coalfields owing to want of proper transit facilities and lack of State assistance in the development of the mines; and whether, under the circumstances, immediate steps will be taken by the Government to grant a sum out of the Imperial Treasury for the construction of a light railway from the Leinster coalfields connecting with the Great Southern and Western Railway, and for the proper development of these coalfields?


A very substantial increase in the price of coal has taken place in Ireland, as in the United Kingdom generally. There is not such reasonable certainty with regard to the quantity and quality of the coal obtainable from the coalfields referred to as in the present circumstances would warrant His Majesty's Government in granting assistance towards the development of the mines.