HC Deb 21 November 1916 vol 87 c1235W

asked the Minister of Munitions if he is now in a position to state whether the revision of Circular L 2 has been decided upon; and, if so, what recommendations are proposed for the purpose of giving advances of wages to a11 the women munition workers and those working in controlled factories over eighteen years of age?


The revision of Circular L2 is being proceeded with, and it will be issued shortly. In the meantime I am sending my hon. Friend a copy of the statement with reference to the Circular published in the Press on 16th November.


asked the Minister of Munitions what weekly time rate is guaranteed by the revised Circular L 2 for women on work formerly done by men where the actual working week is less than forty-eight hours; and from what date the amended circular will take effect?


I propose to secure for all women whose work is covered by the terms of the revised Circular L2, working any period not exceeding forty-eight hours a week, £l per week so long as those hours are the full working week of the establishment. The issue of the amended circular is being proceeded with, and will take effect on the first convenient day after issue.