HC Deb 21 November 1916 vol 87 cc1236-7W

asked the Minister of Munitions whether he is aware that the undertaking contained in Form A.R.M.W. 3a as to the minimum rates of pay to be paid to soldiers who are released from the Army for munition work is calculated to cause jealousy and dissatisfaction amongst the other workmen in the cases where such soldiers will receive from the employer higher rates of pay than the district rates authorised by the Committee on Production; and whether, in the circumstances, he will make arrangements so that all payments and allowances over and above the district rates of pay are paid as a special reward for such soldiers' services by the military or munition authorities direct and not by or through the employer?


We have not found that the payment of the minimum rates provided for under the Army Reserve Munitions Workers' Scheme have caused dissatisfaction amongst other workmen. My hon. Friend will remember that the Army Reserve munitions worker has placed himself entirely at the disposal of the Minister of Munitions to be transferred to any locality where his services may be required, without regard to his personal convenience or the rates current in his home district. It is usually customary in establishments to which war munitions volunteers have been transferred to pay each volunteer weekly by means of two separate envelopes, one envelope containing the volunteer's earnings at the district rate, and the other any allowances due to him from the Ministry of Munitions. It is important that this distinction between the payments should be clearly understood.