§ Mr. JACOBSENasked the President of the Board of Trade if he will state the imports, weights, and values of paper, and manufactures of paper, except newspaper, imported into this country during the years' 1913, 1914, 1915, and, as far as he can, 1916, and entered as being made in the United States of America?
Mr. RUNCIMANThe following statement shows the quantity and value of paper and articles of paper imported into the United Kingdom in each of the periods specified consigned from the United States of America. The imports of newspapers and other printed matter for reading are not included. Imports are recorded according to the country from which the goods are consigned, and no information is available as to the quantity of imported paper actually manufactured in the United States.
(a) QUANTITIES. Description. 1913. 1914, 1915. 1916 (January to October). Paper for printing or writing— Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. On reels 41,418 142,039 98,822 78,093 Not on reels 45,015 42,221 31,579 111,525 Printed paper hangings 961 926 1,593 1,423 Other printed or coated papers (except sensitised photographic paper) 8,232 4,133 6,816 9,629 Paper for packing and wrapping 11,107 9,600 75:,383 185,331 Strawhoard 771 3,487 2.717 393 Millboard and wood pulp board 28,136 32,270 67,206 108,363 Boxes and cartons of paper or cardboard 1,283 1,017 3,927 7,057 Unenumerated 20,248 26,428 125,364 29,286 Total 157,171 262,121 413,407 531,100
(b) VALUES. Description. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916 (January to October). Paper for printing or writing— £ £ £ £ On reels 21,563 74,944 61.464 73,545 Not on reels 81,094 66,328 51,194 171,909 Printed paper hangings 3,271 4,221 5.747 5,206 Other printed or coated papers (except sensitised photographic paper) 28,191 19,178 36,014 43,653 Paper for packing and wrapping 19,540 13,327 108,554 269,111 Strawboard 603 2,121 2,241 283 Millboard and wood pulp board 28,892 26,958 47,062 106,330 Boxes and cartons of papers or cardboard 2,210 2,248 5,526 14,191 Unenumerated 45,211 53,375 118,159 61,148 Total £230,575 £262,695 £438,961 £745,376