HC Deb 02 March 1916 vol 80 cc1220-1W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he will state the names of the members forming the Board of Control for the management of canteens; whether any of the members have served in the Army in the rank of commanding officer; what are the duties of the board, by whom they are appointed, to whom they are responsible, and by whose authority they issue Orders; and whether any of the members of the Board of Control are in any way connected with the management of any of the firms holding contracts for the supply of canteens?


A list of members of the Board is attached. A majority of the military members have served in the rank of commanding officer. The duties of the Board are to control the conduct of regimental institutes at home, the inspection of institutes and the fixing of prices. The Board was appointed by the Army Council in accordance with the recommendations of Lord Rotherham's Committee (Cd.7677–1914). The Board is responsible to the Council and issues Orders with the Council's authority. No members of the Board are in any way connected with the management of any of the firms holding contracts for the conduct of regimental institutes. A resolution passed at the third meeting (17th March, 1915), expressly prevents any member from having a direct interest in any firm or company holding a contract under the Board.

Board of Control of Regimental Institutes.


  • Sir C. N. Nicholson, Bart., M.P.
  • Sir R. Burbidge, Bart.
  • Colonel B. E. W. Childs.
  • A. Hinton, Esq.
  • W. E. Home, Esq., M.P.
  • Sir W. H. Lever, Bart.
  • Major-General S. S. Long, C.B.
  • Lieut.-Col. G. A. Malcolm.
  • L. D. Nicholson, Esq.
  • W. P. Perry, Esq., C.B.
  • G E. Sendell, Esq.
  • Colonel J. Stollery, V.D.
  • A. Whitehead, Esq.
  • The Right Hon. J. W. Wilson, M.P.

Representatives of Commands:

  • Aldershot Command.
  • Eastern Command.
  • Irish Command.
  • London District.
  • Northern Command.
  • Scottish Command.
  • Southern Command.
  • Western Command.