HC Deb 25 November 1914 vol 68 c1148W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he is aware that men employed in the India Store Depot in London are being paid at the rate of 6⅜d. per hour; that this represents an increase of only ⅜d. per hour in the past fifty years; whether the increase of 1s. a week granted recently to all men in the London district extends to those employed in the India Store Depot; and, if not, will he make inquiries with a view to promptly improving the wages of this class of worker?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. I am unable to say how the present rate compares with that paid fifty years ago. As I informed the hon. and gallant Member in my reply to his question on the 27th July last the extra 1s. granted last January by other Government Departments has not raised wages to the minimum level which since 1911 has been paid by the India Office. Inquiries made during the present year showed that the India Office wages compare well with those paid by other Departments, but that a small increase might reasonably be given for certain special classes of work. This is being done. There is no intention of making any further increase.

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