HC Deb 08 May 1914 vol 62 cc594-5W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether a petty officer or seaman who has been placed in the commander's report upon an allegation that he has improperly pulled an oar when in the ship's cutter is entitled to see the captain on request made to the commander; and what Article or Regulation governs the right of access to the captain on the part of a petty officer or seaman aggrieved and desiring to appeal from the decision of a subordinate officer?


Article 8 (Clause 2) of the King's Regulations definitely asserts the right of any petty officer or man to see the captain if he considers he has been treated unjustly. That Regulation also prescribes the procedure to be followed in such cases.


asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether the King's Regulations permit of the leave of petty officers and men being stopped for any cause other than those mentioned in Article No. 723; and, if so, under what Article or Regulation; whether he is aware that on His Majesty's ship "Bellerophon" such leave has been stopped upon an alleged charge of improperly pulling an oar while in the ship's cutter; and if he will state under or in respect of what authority that course is justified?


Leave may be stopped as a punishment under Article 757 of the King's Regulations, and in certain cases under Article 723, when a man is placed in the report for offences named in Article 769, Clause 1, (a) to (i). Apart from these particular rules, it is laid down in Article 860 that leave of absence to officers and men is to be granted or withheld, as the circumstances of the Service may render expedient. Nothing is known of the circumstances alluded to in the question, but stoppage of leave would under Article 757 of the King's Regulations be a perfectly proper punishment for an offence of the nature indicated.