HC Deb 13 July 1914 vol 64 cc1513-4W

asked the President of the Local Government Board if he will state what are the respective percentages of exemption from vaccination for the years 1906 to 1913, inclusive?


The figures are as follows:—

The Local Government Board receive, in February of each year, returns from all vaccination officers relating to the children born within the previous year but one. These returns show the numbers of such children who have been vaccinated, or found insusceptible of vaccination, or have had small-pox, or have died. The percentages in the last column are based on the numbers of children remaining after the deduction of these classes.


asked the President of the Local Government Board whether the remuneration of vaccination officers is only upon successful certificates of vaccination and not in cases where exemption is obtained; whether the number of exemptions has increased since the Vaccination Act, 1907, made exemptions more easy; whether vaccination officers have a similar amount of work to do in regard to entering particulars and sending forms where there is exemption from vaccination as where vaccination takes place;

whether the remuneration of vaccination officers generally has declined since the Act named came into force; and whether he will take steps to make the remuneration of vaccination officers accord with work done?


Vaccination officers who are paid by fees receive a fee for each birth appearing in the lists sent to them by the registrar and a further fee for each certificate of successful vaccination of a child under fourteen. The answer to the second part of the question is in the affirmative. The amount of clerical work in connection with each birth varies considerably, but is apt to be greater where vaccination results than where exemption is obtained. The remuneration of vaccination officers from fees has generally declined since the Act of 1907 came into force, but a large number of them have received compensation in the form

of gratuities, increased fees, and fixed salaries. As I have previously stated, however, I will willingly consider any individual cases that may be brought to my notice.