HC Deb 12 February 1914 vol 58 c345W

asked the Secretary for the Colonies whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that in January, 1910, Messrs. Adriano Sammut and George Francica were brought before the Court of magistrates in Malta, charged with having committed slander against Honorary Lieutenant and Quartermaster Quarrell, of the Suffolk Regiment; whether he is aware that the law of Malta is so framed that the Court could not admit any proofs to substantiate these charges, and that the accused were fined and imprisoned; whether this is the same Honorary Captain and Quartermaster Quarrell who has been concerned in the recent Army canteen case; whether the firm of Lipton involved is the same firm as in the present case; and, if so, whether he will consider the advisability of altering the law of Malta to avoid a repetition of this failure to allow the production of evidence in support of charges made?


I have no knowledge of the case referred to. It was not brought, before the Royal Commission which inquired into the judicial procedure, of Malta in 1911 and 1912.