§ Sir COURTENAY WARNERasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) whether he will be prepared to amend the provisions which appeared in the Second Schedule, Part I., of the Finance Bill, as introduced, when those provisions are embodied in the Revenue Bill, so as to make it clear that the Deficiency Grant to local authorities will be payable in respect of, and so as to make good, any disadvantage which may be suffered by the ratepayers of the individual authorities to whom the superseded Grants mentioned in the Third Schedule to the Finance Bill, as introduced, were hitherto paid; and (2) whether, having regard to the fact that under Part IV. of the Finance Bill, as introduced, it was not proposed to substitute any particular Grant for another Grant, he will, when the Revenue Bill is considered, amend the provisions in regard to Deficiency Grants which appeared in the Second Schedule, Part I., of the Finance Bill, as introduced, so as to make it clear that the Deficiency Grant will be paid in respect of any sum which may be necessary to prevent the ratepayers being put at a disadvantage owing to the benefit 1795W received from the proposed new Grants being less than the benefit received from the superseded Grants referred to in the Third Schedule to the Finance Bill, as introduced?
§ Mr. HERBERT SAMUELI am afraid that as regards these questions I am not in a position to give a definite reply at the present time.