HC Deb 16 April 1914 vol 61 cc340-2W

asked the Postmaster-General what number of postal workers are employed within the twelve miles radius from Charing Cross on second and third-class provincial scales of pay; what would be the immediate cost if all were raised to the first-class provincial scale; and whether, seeing that the Select Committee's Report has been modified in several instances, he will so modify it that the maximum pay within the twelve miles radius shall in no case fall below the highest provincial scale?


The number of Post Office servants employed within a radius of twelve miles from Charing Cross who are on scales below those applicable to Class I. Provincial Officers is 2,120. The cost of placing these officers on Class I. scales is estimated at about £2,000 in the first year and £18,700 a year ultimately. The relatively small immediate cost is due to the fact that officers at the maximum, who would normally benefit by an extension of scale, will in most instances have received an increment under the revision recently announced, and can receive no further increase for a year. I am not pre-pared to recommend to the Treasury the further modification of the scales set forth in the Select Committee's Report.


asked the Postmaster-General whether some officers of the class of inspectors of postmen are supplied with a full uniform; whether others have had part of their uniform withdrawn without compensation; whether a considerable number of them are not supplied with any uniform; and whether, if uniform be a necessary badge of office, he will consider the question of the uniformity of practice in supplying it or, otherwise, the discontinuance of the custom of supplying it?


There is a prescribed uniform which is supplied to all inspectors of postmen, with the exception of a few who, in special circumstances, asked to be exempted. In some cases, when necessitated by the nature of the duties, overcoats and caps are supplied in addition to the prescribed uniform, but these articles are not supplied when they are not needed.