HC Deb 30 June 1913 vol 54 cc1500-4W

asked the Chief Secretary if he can obtain an explanation of the delay in registering the titles, under the Local Registration of Title Act, of the tenant purchasers on the Blacker-Douglas estate, county Kerry; whether he is aware that the lands in this case were vested in the tenant purchasers over three years ago, which should have been immediately followed by the registration of the titles; whether he is aware that the Land Commission continue to retain the purchase agreements, with the result that the Registrar of Titles is compelled to refuse to receive, even provisionally, all deeds dealing with these lands, thus making their legal transfer impossible; and whether, in view of the inconvenience thus caused, steps will be taken at once to register the titles, or at any rate to transfer the purchase agreements from the Land Commissioners to the Registry of Title?


The Estates Commissioners inform me that in the cases referred to on the Blacker-Douglas estate, county Kerry, immediately after the advances were made, and the holdings vested in the several tenant-purchasers the fiated agreements were forwarded to the Land Registry Office for the purpose of enabling the ownership of the holdings to be registered in accordance -with the requirements of the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891. Owing to certain questions having been raised by the Registrar of Tides in some of the cases the completion of the registration has been delayed, but the Commissioners hope to be in a position to fully discharge these queries by an early date.


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if the Congested Districts Board will offer Mr. Martin, of the Lissduff estate, Dunmore, county Galway, an equivalent farm elsewhere and divide the Loorah farm, on the estate, amongst the eight small holders on the property?


As there are no proceedings pending before the Congested Districts Boari for the purchase of the Loorah farm they cannot say whether they would be prepared to offer a farm in exchange.


asked if maps, etc., have been lodged with the Congested Districts Board with regard to the Captain Quinton Dick estate, Carronbela, Dunmore, county Galway; and how soon it is expected that the sale will be effected?


The maps and documents necessary for a preliminary inspection of this property have not so far been lodged with the Congested Districts Board.


also asked whether the Congested Districts Board will transfer some of the tenants on the Bermingham estate, Milltown, county Galway, bought in 1893, to untenanted land on the Taaffe estate, or any adjoining estate, with a view to making the rest of the Bermingham holdings economic holdings?


The Congested Districts Board do not propose to transfer any of the Bermingham estate tenants to untenanted lands on the Taaffe or any other estate purchased by them in this district, as there will he no land available after the Board's own tenants have been dealt with.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that the estate of Lord Clancarty, Ballinasloe, has been purchased by the Estates Commissioners many years ago; and, as all the formalities in connection with the same have long since been arranged, will he direct that the sale be completed so that the tenants may then get the benefit of the grazing lands which-are now held by a grazier named Cooke?


If the hon. Member refers to the lands of Killurebeg, these lands are included in that portion of the property which has not been acquired by the Estates Commissioners, but it is the subject of proceedings for sale to them, and will be dealt with by the Commissioners as soon as practicable. Pending the acquisition of the lands the Commissioners understand they have been let under a temporary grazing letting by the owner to, Mr. Cooke.


asked the Chief Secretary whether game and fishery rights are included in the offer of the Congested Districts Board for the purchase of the estate-of the Marquess of Sligo, county Mayo; and what demesne or other lands are to be retained by the landlord according to the Board's offer?


The shooting rights over the estate referred to are to be conveyed to the Congested Districts Board, and all the fishing rights are to be reserved to the vendor. The vendor has not agreed to sell any portion of his demesne land.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the estate of the Earl of Sandwich, at Ballinlough, Kilteely, county Limerick will be dealt with this year; what is the cause of the delay, seeing that the' agreements have been signed for more than seven years; and is the landlord to. be paid in cash?


This estate is the subject of proceedings for sale direct by the owner to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1903, and is being dealt with in order of priority on the principal register of direct sales (all cash). The Estates Commissioners hope that the estate will be reached for payment during the present financial year.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the estate of Lord Massey, near Galbally, county Limerick, is being dealt with; and, if so, will special attention be paid to the holdings of William Hanly, of Ballyglana, Galbally, and others, who refuse to sign because of the high price; and, in view of the fact: that these people are very highly rented, will the Commissioners refuse to sanction 'the sale unless justice is done to those tenants?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on the 8th May, to which I have nothing to add.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the Congested Districts Board have made an offer for the Blake Minor estate, Costello, county Galway; and, if no offer has been made, will he state when one is likely to be made?


The Congested Districts Board have not yet made an offer for the purchase of this estate. The valuation of the property is at present in progress, and the Board hope to consider the question of making an offer within the next three months.


asked the Chief Secretary 171,ether, with regard to the Westby estate, Kilballyowen, West Clare, he can slate what negotiations are in progress; and whether, in view of the fact that it is about five years since this estate was taken over by the Estates Commissioners, he can promise that an effort will be made to dispose of the question with as brief a delay as possible?


The hon. Member is under a misapprehension in thinking that this estate has been taken over by the Estates Commissioners. The prcperty has not been, and is not, the subject of proceedings for sale to the Commissioners, but it is the subject of proceedings for sale -direct by the owner to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1903, and has not yet been reached in order of priority, and until so reached the Commissioners have no power to deal with it.


asked the Chief 'Secretary what is the cause of the delay in vesting their holdings in some of the sub-tenants on the estate of Matthew Franks, county Kerry; whether he is aware of the hardships endured by those poor tenants still paying the old rent; and when the Commissioners propose to vest their holdings?


This estate is the subject of proceedings for sale to the Estates Commissioners, and the holdings cannot be resold to the tenants until questions which have arisen as to the turbary on the estate and as to the sub-tenants thereon have been settled. These matters will be dealt with and the holdings vested in the tenants as soon as practicable.


asked the Chief Secretary what is the cause of delay in vesting their holdings in the tenants on the estate of Captain Stokes, county Kerry, considering the fact that agreements were signed in April, 1906, at 6s. 9d. in the £ first term, and they are still paying 4 per cent.; and when the Estates Commissioners propose to vest these holdings?


This estate has not yet been reached for payment in order of priority on the principal register of direct sales (all cash). In their purchase agreements the tenants contracted to pay interest in lieu of rent at the rate of 3¾ per cent. on the purchase money until the date of their holdings being vested in them. The Estates Commissioners hope that the estate will be reached in its turn for payment during the financial year commencing the 1st April next.