HC Deb 29 July 1913 vol 56 cc295-6W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland the total amounts contributed by the State in Ireland during the financial year 1912–13 to the cost of elementary, secondary, and higher education, respectively; and the aggregate amounts contributed by the localities under each head?


The amounts contributed by the State during the year 1912–13 to the cost of elementary, secondary, and higher education in Ireland were as follows:—

Elementary Education.
From the Vote for Public Education, Ireland 1,714,299
From the Ireland Development Grant 4,462
From the Vote for Public Works and Buildings, Ireland 47,076
From the Vote for the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction 1,839
Total £1,767,676
Secondary Education.
Payment from Local Taxation Account, Ireland, to the Intermediate Education Board £ 46,566
Payments to Secondary Schools by the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction £ 27,714
£ 74,280
Higher Education.
From the Vote for the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction, Ireland £ 18,485
Payments under Section 7 (2) of Irish Universities Act, 1908 £ 82,000
Payments under Section 7 (3) of Irish Universities Act, 1908 £ 29,281
Total £ 129,766
The amount of contributions from local sources towards elementary education during the year 1912–13 cannot yet be stated. The amount so contributed in the year 1911 was £139,578. There were no local contributions towards secondary education. Contributions to the total value of £9,029 10s. were made by county councils for the maintenance of scholarships in the Queen's University, Belfast, and the University Colleges of Dublin, Cork, and Galway. The foregoing statement does not include expenditure or local contributions in respect of technical schools and classes under the control of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction.