HC Deb 31 January 1913 vol 47 cc1670-1W

asked the President of the Board of Agriculture in what counties of England and Wales some system of colonisation has been adopted in connection with small holdings; and what is the nature of the system adopted in each of such counties?


The following statement shows the number of estates exceeding 600 acres which have been acquired by county councils for the purpose of small holdings:—

County. Parish. Acreage. No. of Holdings.
Berks Charney Bassett 1,363 22 and 447 acres let to Small Holdings Association.
East Hanney
Stanford in the Yale
Cambridge Soham 660 24
Cheshire Ledsham 854 82
Haslington 735 19
Ridley 1,159 Not yet divided.
Dorset Winterborne Zelston 783 23
Northumberland East Heddon 886 21
Broomley 813 Not vet divided.
Leicester Misterton and Lutterworth 776 18
West Suffolk Mildenhall 721 109
York, East Biding Skidby and Coltingham 607 27
York, West Riding Minskip 608 15
Carnarvon Llaniestyn (Madryn Estate) 2,239 Not yet divided.
Merioneth Llanfachreth 825 (Including Sheep Walk) 9
Gwyddelwern and Carrog 965 Not yet divided.
Montgomery Llanwnog (Gregynog Estate) 1,983 51 small holders on 978 acres; remainder not yet divided.
Pembroke St. Dogwells 1,318 32

Farms not included in the above statement have also been let to thirty-nine small holdings associations, and have been divided by them among their members.