HC Deb 31 January 1913 vol 47 c1670W

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to the fact that Messrs. Curtis and Harvey, proprietors of the powder mills, Ballin-collig, are selling their interest in their property, comprising, in addition to the mills, several workmen's dwellings and about 200 acres of land; whether it is in the power of the Cork Rural District Council to acquire, by voluntary arrangement or purchase in the open market, these workmen's dwellings for the purposes of the Labourers Acts and to obtain allotments out of these 200 acres to add thereto; if so, will the Local Government Board make representations on the matter to the district council or will they favourably consider a special improvement scheme dealing with these dwellings if and when formulated by the district council; and whether it is within the power of the Estates Commissioners to acquire any portion of these 200 acres for the reinstatement of evicted tenants?


The Local Government Board have no official information as to the proposed sale of the property in question. The rural district council who have carried out so many improvement schemes under the Labourers Acts are fully aware of their powers in regard to the acquisition of existing cottages and allotments for the purposes of the Acts. It is not the duty of the Board to make representations in the matter to the rural district council, and the Board could not properly give an assurance beforehand that they will favourably consider a special improvement scheme dealing with these houses if such should be formulated by the rural district council.