HC Deb 04 August 1913 vol 56 cc1043-4W

next asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he will say at what age, after how many years' service, with what pension, at whose request, and for what reason Mr. William Edward Ellis retired from the position of auditor to the Local Government Board for Ireland; with what qualifications, examination, or experience was his son, Arthur C. Ellis, then appointed an auditor of the Board; and will he explain how the rules of the Civil Service were made to satisfy the conditions without which the elder Mr. Ellis refused to retire?


Mr. W. E. Ellis retired from the position of Local Government auditor in November, 1911, at the age of fifty-eight years, after nearly thirty-two years' public service. He retired on the ground of ill-healh, and was granted by the Treasury a pension of £227 10s. a year, in addition to a gratuity of £676 8s. 8d. under the Superannuation Act of 1909. Mr. Arthur C. Ellis was appointed in January, 1912, as a junior auditor. Being a barrister-at-law he was duly qualified under the Treasury Rules for this appointment. He had also been, for some years previously, clerk in the office of the Commissioners of Education in Ireland. It is not a fact that Mr. W. E. Ellis refused to retire, as suggested in the question.