HC Deb 04 August 1913 vol 56 cc1042-3W

also asked the date at which Sir John Franks retired from the position of secretary to the Irish Land Commission; at what age; after how many years' service; at whose request; on what grounds; with what pension; whether that was the highest pension attainable by him; why a successor was not appointed from the staff of the Land Commission; how many years' experience in the offices of the Land Commission the person appointed had had; and, if the appointment was made by the Commissioners, by what method the requirement of fitness was satisfied?


Sir John Franks retired at his own request on 30th September, 1910, at the age of sixty-two, after thirty-four years' service. The immediate cause of his retirement was ill-health, occasioned in large measure by the strain of overwork; but apart from this circumstance he was entitled to retire by reason of his having attained the age of sixty years. He was awarded a pension of £850 per annum, the maximum attainable having regard to his length of service. With regard to the remainder of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on the 13th February last.