HC Deb 31 October 1912 vol 43 cc586-7W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he proposes to introduce this Session a Pure Bread Bill or otherwise to take any action in consequence of the reports made to his Department eighteen months ago by Doctors Hamill and Monier-Williams in reference to the bleaching and adulteration of flour?


A Bill is in preparation. It will be general in character and not confined to bread.


asked whether Dr. J. M. Hamill, or any other expert of his Department, has investigated the effect, both upon the soundness of the teeth and upon the nutritive value of bread, of the removal of the ferments from flour in the process of roller milling; and, if not, whether such an investigation will be conducted prior to the introduction of legislation in reference to the adulteration and sophistication of flour and flour products?


No experimental investigation into the matter referred to has been made on behalf of the Board. In view of the minuteness of the changes which take place in flour as the result of the action of ferments contained in it, I am advised that there would be great difficulties in making any satisfactory investigation by means at present available of the effect, if any, on nutrition generally or on the condition of the teeth produced by the action of ferments in flour. The matter is not one which calls for consideration in connection with the question of adulteration and sophistication of flour and flour products.