HC Deb 04 November 1912 vol 43 c860W

asked the Under-Secretary for India what was the total expenditure by the Government of India during the last financial year in relation to education; and how much of that expenditure was made to or through denominational or other private societies, distinguishing, as far as possible, the amount received by each society in respect of each of its institutions, and also distinguishing, as far as possible, in each case between expenditure in the nature of capital expenditure and expenditure in the nature of annual expenditure?


The total expenditure on education (excluding that on buildings) from Imperial and provincial revenues amounted in 1911–12 to £2,012,400. Particulars will be found in the East India Financial Statement and Budget presented to the House last May. But since educational expenditure is directed by the provincial Governments, the details for which the hon. Member asks could only be obtained by elaborate inquiries in each province of India.