HC Deb 21 May 1912 vol 38 cc1875-6W

asked the Postmaster-General whether the cost of the Lord Lieutenancy of Ireland is included in the sum of £127,500, the estimated expenditure of the Consolidated Fund on Irish services mentioned in Appendix B of the Outline of Financial Provisions in the Government of Ireland Bill [Cd. 6154], and, if so, to what amount; whether the sum of £169,500 mentioned in Class II. of the same appendix is the same sum as is mentioned under the heading in the same Paper, page 4, of Land purchase, (2) Other charges; and whether any and, if so, how much of the sum of £42,000 for valuation in Class II. of the same appendix will be charged against the United Kingdom as expenses in connection with valuation or collection of taxes, or any other matter?


As promised by the Prime Minister in his reply to the hon. Member for West Islington on the 16th instant, a Paper will be issued explaining in fuller detail the figures given in the White Paper circulated with the Bill.