HC Deb 21 February 1912 vol 34 cc697-8W

asked the Chief Secretary when the tenants on the Tyrrell estate, in the barony of Granard, county Longford, may expect their vesting orders; and whether he is aware that this estate was one of the first sold under the Act of 1903 in North Longford, and that the tenants of other estates in the neighbourhood sold at a later stage have long since received their vesting orders?


The Estates Commissioners are unable to identify this estate as the subject of proceedings for sale before them under the Land Purchase Acts.


asked the Chief Secretary, in view of the refusal of landlords in receipt of high rents to agree to any terms of sale to their tenants, and the consequent growing restlessness of those tenants, whether the Government propose to put the compulsory provisions of the latest Land Act in operation or to introduce a Hill this Session for universal compulsory sale without bonus?


The Estates Commissioners have no information in respect of the assumption contained in the first part of the question. Estates to the amount of over thirty-seven millions of purchase money are at present pending before the Commissioners as the result of voluntary sales by landlords to tenants. There is no intention of extending the powers of compulsory sale given by the Irish Land Act of 1909.


asked if he will state what is the latest figure of the total advances made under the various Land Purchase Acts, 1870 to 1909; how much of these advances is outstanding; what is the total value of lands applied for at the same date for which advances have not yet been made; and what is the estimated value of land for which no applications have yet been made?


A Return is being prepared for presentation to Parliament which will give the information asked for. The hon. Member will perhaps be good enough to await the presentation of the Return, which, it is hoped, will be at an early date.