HC Deb 04 December 1912 vol 44 cc2306-8W

also asked the value of imports (for home consumption) of articles wholly or mainly manufactured into the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States of America in 1890, 1900, 1910 and 1911; what was the value of exports (domestic produce) of articles wholly or mainly manufactured from the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States of America in 1890, 1900, 1910, and 1911; what was the value of imports (for home consumption) of raw materials and articles mainly unmanufactured from the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States

1. STATEMENT showing for the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States of America for each of the undermentioned years the values, of the imports for Home consumption and of the Exports (Domestic) of "Raw Materials and Articles mainly unmanfactured," and of "Articles wholly or mainly manufactured."

Year, etc. Raw Materials and Articles mainly Unmanufactured. Articles wholly or mainly Manufactured.
United Kingdom. Germany. United States.‡ United Kingdom. Germany. United State.‡
Million £s. Million £s. Million £s. Million £s Million £s. Million £s.
Imports for Homo Consumption—
In 1890 *118.2 87.7†35.5 *73.5 48.2 †72.4
1900 *139.2 137.8 †57.6 *110.1 59.0 †70.3
1910 *197.9 229.4 †118.0 *129.5 88.5 †136.0
1911 *188.2 238.2 †106.5 *137.2 92.7 †135.7
Exports (Domestic Produce and Manufacture)—
In 1890 25.9 34.9 63.5 225.4 105.6 37.3
1900 45.0 54.6 67.8 228.3 146.6 101.0
1910 53.3 85.9 117.9 342.9 244.8 159.8
1911 53.7 85.3 148.5 362.2 274.7 189.1
NOTE.—Owing to differences in the classification adopted by the respective countries, the results for particular groups are not strictly comparable.
*Net Imports, i.e., Total Imports less Re-exports. †Total Imports. The Re-exports are quite small.
‡ The particulars relate to years ended 30th June.

11. STATEMENT showing for each of the undermentioned years the value of Merchandise (Domestic Produce and Manufacture) exported from the United Kingdom to the Principal Protected Foreign Countries, *distinguishing the Exports of "Articles wholly or mainly manufactured."
Year Total Exports of all Articles. Exports of Articles wholly or mainly Manufactured. Proportion of 'Manufactured' to "Total Export."
Million £s. Million £s. Per cent.
1890 107.6 86.6 80.5
1900 115.1 79.9 69.4
1910 154.3 106.4 69.0
1911 159.2 109.4 68.7
NOTE.—Owing to changes in classification and in the amount of detail shown in the Trade Returns of the United Kingdom, the particulars relating to the exports of "Articles wholly or mainly manufactured" in 1890 are not strictly comparable with those for later years.
*Russia, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria-Hungary, United States, and Switzerland. For the reasons governing the selection of the fore-going countries reference should be made to Memorandum II. included in the Memoranda, Statistical Tables and Charts relating to British and Foreign Trade and Industry, Cd. 1761 of 1903.

of America in 1890, 1900, 1910, and 1911; what was the value of the exports (domestic produce) of raw materials and articles mainly unmanufactured from the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States of America in 1890, 1900, 1910, and 1911; and what percentage of our exports of domestic produce to the principal protected foreign countries in 1890, 1900, 1910, and 1911 represented manufactured goods?


The following statements gives the information desired by the hon. Member:—