HC Deb 20 November 1911 vol 31 c993W

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that a boy named Cyril Gold was returned to his parents from the Lichfield Truant School on 25th September last suffering from a contagious disease, namely, ringworm, which complaint was caught by two brothers who were attending another school in London; and whether steps may be taken to ensure that children sent from these schools may be properly examined before being sent home?


I have made inquiry, and am informed that this boy was licensed out in September, 1910, and that when readmitted in the following month he was suffering from ringworm. He was then kept in the school nearly a year—much longer than the usual time—in order that he might get quite clear of ringworm before he was sent to his home. Before his discharge he was examined by the medical officer of the school, who reports that he found the boy free from all infectious or contagious complaint when he left the school.