HC Deb 13 November 1911 vol 31 cc161-2W

asked the Chief Secretary on what grounds the local pension committee as well as the Local Government Board decided against the application of Mrs. Crowe, Cooga, Doon, county Limerick, for a pension; is he aware that the applicant furnished the pension officer with-an agreement which stated that Mrs. Crowe's husband and herself were to have during their lifetime £20 per year and the grass of a cow; and, having regard to the fact that Mr. Crowe has long since died and this woman is only getting £10 per year, which she and her family can swear to, will he explain how the pension officer makes out this woman's income to be more than £31 10s.?


The evidence submitted did not satisfy the Local Government Board that there was any sufficient reason for reversing the Sub-committee's decision to disallow Mrs. Crowe's claim on the ground that her means exceeded £31 10s. a year. The agreement referred to is not now in the Board's possession, and they are therefore not in a position to state its exact terms.