HC Deb 23 March 1911 vol 23 c786W

asked the hon. Member for Southampton, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether he will consider the possibility of throwing into the public thoroughfare at Marlborough Gate so much of the St. James's. Palace private garden as would enable a footway not less than eighteen feet in width to be made along the outside of the said thoroughfare, without in any degree narrowing the roadway for vehicular traffic, in order to minimise the dangers to foot passengers at an unprotected corner, and in order to complete the monumental improvements connected with the Mall; and, if so, whether it would be possible to have this improvement completed before the Coronation procession, which is to pass this way?


The First Commissioner regrets very much that he is unable to take this proposal into consideration at present. There is a great deal of work to be done in preparation for the Coronation, and he could not undertake anything more during the current year.