HC Deb 06 March 1911 vol 22 cc988-9W

asked the Secretary for War whether his attention has been called to the case of Sapper T. Kelly, 55 Company, Royal Engineers, Regimental No. 284, at present stationed at Roberts Heights, Pretoria, South Africa; whether he is aware of the fact that this soldier's mother is in very delicate health and is fast failing, and that it is her earnest desire to have her son transferred to a Home station, as he would then be of more assistance to her; and whether, taking all those circumstances into account, an order will be made to have Kelly transferred to a Home station?


No representation in respect of this case has been received. When, however, it reaches the War Office it will receive careful consideration. I may point out that transfers to the Home establishment are only made, as a rule, on completion of a tour of service abroad and when passage is provided by public opportunity.