§ Mr. DELANYasked the Chief Secretary whether a memorial has been received by the Lord Lieutenant praying for the re- 703W lease of three prisoners named, respectively, Ralph Henry Gill, John. O'Brien, and Albert Treaves, who were recently sentenced by the Recorder of Dublin to terms varying from four to five years' penal servitude for swindling; whether he is aware that those men purchased cattle to the value of £448 in Dublin market, and paid by cheques which were dishonoured, and subsequently sold the cattle in Preston; and, seeing that Gill is possessed of 300 acres of land at Creendale, Kent, and house property in Birkenhead, and that O'Brien is a wealthy horse and cattle dealer whose father is contractor to the military barracks at Canterbury, and that the majority of their victims are very poor men, will he see, before advising any mitigation of the punishment, that the value of the stock is refunded to their owners?
§ Mr. BIRRELLNo such memorial has been received. The hon. Member appears to be under a misapprehension as to the position and means of the men referred to. The matter, in any case, is not one in which I have power to intervene.