HC Deb 13 February 1911 vol 21 c843W

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that on 3rd January last a large number of Metropolitan Police constables were on duty in Sidney Street for periods ranging from thirteen to twenty-two hours, without adequate arrangements having been made to enable them to obtain refreshment; that the Rev. Lionel S. Lewis offered to provide refreshment for the constabulary and was refused permission; and what action he proposes taking to prevent a recurrence of this state of affairs in the future?


I have already answered the first part of this question. The Rev. Mr. Lewis did offer to take a cart full of provisions supplied by a benevolent lady, but it was represented to him that it was practically impossible for the cart to reach all the persons for whom the provisions were intended.


asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether the cost of calling out and employing the military in the recent battle in Sidney Street will be borne by the War Office or the civil authorities; and what is the estimated cost of the employment of the infantry, artillery, and engineer forces on that occasion?


The cost incurred by the War Office on the occasion of the so-called battle amounts, I understand, to the sum of £6. I have not yet considered the question as to the proper incidence of this charge.