HC Deb 13 February 1911 vol 21 c848W

asked the President of the Board of Education, whether his attention has been called to the case of Mr. C. M. Neaves, of Ashford national school, who was fined by the magistrates for an alleged assault upon one of his scholars on 30th August, 1909; whether he is aware that an inquiry has been held by the Middlesex County Council, the committee of inquiry consisting of three barristers of standing, who had evidence before them which was not available at the hearing, and that the committee unanimously reported that, after hearing the whole case, they came unhesitatingly to the conclusion that no excessive punishment had been administered by Mr. Neaves on 30th August, 1909; and whether, as Mr. Neaves has been advised that he has no right of appeal in the matter, the President will consult with the Secretary of State for the Home Department on the advisability of so amending the law as to provide that an appeal may be allowed from all petty sessions to quarter sessions in the same manner as that provided for in The Metropolitan Police Court Act, 1839 (2 and 3 Vic, c. 71, s. 50).


I am aware of the case, and I believe that the statement in the second part of the question is substantially correct. I shall, of course, be happy to place such information as I have at the disposal of my right hon. Friend, but I think the facts would hardly justify me in attempting so extensive an incursion into his province as is suggested in the question.