HC Deb 13 December 1911 vol 32 c2492W

asked the Lord Advocate whether his attention has been called to the fact that the valued rent heritors of Kirkintilloch, at a meeting on 11th January, 1911, the attendance at which numbered seven only, passed a resolution that a new parish church was necessary for that place; that this resolution was passed on a report of the kirk session that the old church could not be repaired; that it does not lie with the kirk session, but with the presbytery only, to condemn a church as unsuitable for public worship; and that, if the resolution of the meeting of 11th January is acted upon, the valued rent heritors who are responsible for the repair of the old church will, in effect, relieve themselves from that burden by placing upon the whole body of feuars who were not represented at the meeting the burden of providing a new church at a cost of £15,000 and a charge of almost 4s. in the pound on these rentals; and whether, in view of these facts, he will direct an inquiry to be held as to whether the old church can be repaired at the expense of the valued rent heritors?


I am informed that the meeting was held on 9th February, and was open to real rent as well as valued rent heritors. It was summoned to consider a report instructed by the heritors' subcommittee, not a report of the kirk session. The estimate is £13,324. No resolution has yet been come to by the valued rent heritors as to how the assessment is to be levied, and I understand that steps are being taken with a view to relieve certain of the heritors. I have no authority to order an inquiry into the matter.